Ok, so I'm now the working mother that doesn't see her baby 8 hours out of 4 days every week - like the normal kind of working mother (but still a little privileged in my opinion). And I have to say - I've adjusted almost too well. As Mr. P said, I was working 80 hours in 40 hours time and it was wearing me (and in return him) ragged. I was a mess and full of tension all the time. Yes, I was incredibly lucky to have the opportunity and I will always treasure it. And yes, I loved seeing her face all the time - but DAYAM it was hard. I ALMOST feel guilty feeling so relaxed, except I know she is getting the utmost spoiling and naps in her own bed and she doesn't bat a long, beautiful eyelash (they used to be mine - she stole them when I was pregnant and they never grew back on me) when I leave.
So I can feel as guilty as I want, but I don't really have a choice...at this point, without some major lifestyle changes, we wouldn't be able to do it any other way. However, here is where a real balancing act comes in...
The time that I am not at work...I want to be with her every second. I have already decided to forego my desire to play with her until I'M tired so that she could have a nice early bedtime. I try to get as ready in the evening and wee hours of the morning so that I can sit and enjoy her before I head off to work.
First pic texted from the sitter |
Sooo....I've recently signed back up for my secret healthy indulgence...Jazzercise. I know I will not be back at 6 days a week anytime in the near decades...but even just going back for a couple of sessions of shaking my completely reshaped-by-baby-growing ass a week is worth it to me. I get a workout that clears my mind, works my heart, builds some bone density, strengthens my muscles, and gets some silly suburban lady chat in before and after. Going on the weekends is a no-brainer as the grandmas are chomping at the bit to spend an hour or so changing poopy diapers and wiping up drool for the chance at an eight second smile or the hint of a giggle. But I would like to go one day during the week to make 3 workouts a week...and it's so hard to decide to do it. The self-help book reading, Womyn's Studies major in me tells me that I need to put on my own oxygen mask first...to take care of myself so that I can best take care of my family. The guilty working mother tells me to get my ass home as fast I can before my daughter forgets who I am, feels completely abandoned and finds her way 3 blocks down at the strip club bearing her low self-esteem for any man who chooses to bring her dollar bills instead of going to Jazzercise. June Cleaver would say I was selfish...so I stay up late peeling the smallest EVER organic apples to make her fresh food as penance. Oh god, am I going to teach my baby to eat her emotions?! Mr. P wants the time alone with her - and that's good for her. So ultimately, as it stands the Pros outweigh the Cons. I'll be shaking my money maker and hoping that this is the good example that I hope it is - and that ultimately I will be a better mom as a healthy mom. SHIT, why didn't someone mention that getting up at night would by far be the LEAST of my worries....
Everything you say is true...read it again. Then think of how your mom felt, doing the exact same thing, except NOT getting to take you to court! And I must say, you AND your brother are two of the smartest, most accomplished, well-adjusted adults I know, and you are both products of juggled parenthood. Charlotte will thrive with all the adults who lavish love on her. And you will thrive when you allow yourself to take care of Katie - those oxygen masks can be slippery devils - so, go shake your booty, then go play with that angel.