I was talking to a friend the other day about HER pregnant friend who doesn't complain about anything - she often forgets her friend is pregnant. These are my favorite kind of pregnant people and I have failed miserably at being one of them. Well, along with "positively" giving up on focusing on, what I have been deeming, my failures - I am also trying to focus on the overall positive and even the positive aspects of this pregnancy (I know - I forgot to tell anyone that there were some of those. Sorry again to all the babies that WON'T be born to some of my closer friends because of it!!)
General Positives:
- I'm married to a pretty cool dude...and by pretty cool I mean, if I hadn't found some toothpaste on the sink, I would have mistaken him for flawless. He's relaxed, loves his girls and is efficiently re-doing our entire new house while working overtime. THEN he comes home and we laugh - at pretty much everything. He said a lot of hilariously WRONG things when I was first pregnant - but that is all forgiven (but in true wifely style, NEVER forgotten!)
- The other trillion people who are also supportive and loving. Sometimes I feel like I have too many people to give them all due attention, yet they are there when I need them - but I'm grateful for all of them.
- My stuff...it's way below people in every way, shape and form - and for them I'd give it up in a second- but I can't see people who go without and not be grateful for the fact that I have a house, a car, the ability to buy clothes and food and even supplies for stupid little crafts.
- The ability to laugh. Things go right or wrong, rarely according to plan. Life is stressful and gross and beautiful and fun, but you need to be able to laugh at all of it - hopefully with somewhat appropriate timing.
Pregnancy Positives:
- I am actually doing this. Not only have I always wanted to do this, but I've long doubted that I could or would for whatever reasons - at least without flubbing it up royally - but it looks like I found one more thing I'm capable of.
- I have had the luck of staying healthy. Yes, I feel as big as a house and sore, etc. And I don't think it's an accomplishment, per say, anymore than fertility issues is a failure. I just happen to be someone who has thus far been lucky in this department. Blood Pressure - good, Gestational Diabetes- negative, anemia - negative, baby growth and heart beat and developement as far as can be told - all good.
- The people around me: my mom babies me, my husband spoils me, my friends and family are genuinely kind, excited or concerned when I need it. People in my life WANT to celebrate with me, they put up with my venting, and they indulge my neuroses. People are generous to a fault with making sure I'm provided for in every way possible.
- Work has been understanding...of puking, of tears, of appointments and leaving early and growing and moods and a few times refusing tasks because I didn't feel like it.
- That the skin on my hands is amazingly stretchy enough to contain my daily blowfish affect. Ok, that was a little negative, but I had to sneak it in, since mid-puff at Sunday dinner, my jolly Father-in-law laughed and said I had "baby hands" - he's lucky he's cute!
- It all comes down to a baby. Every moment, misesrable or not, comes down to a little girl who I can't wait to meet and who I already love. It wasn't instant...it's so abstract at the beginning, but I am amazed at how much I love her already and a little scared and excited about how much I'll love her when she's here.
Now back to the fun stuff....