Monday, April 4, 2011

Snoogle: Product Review (of sorts)

5 stars. 10 stars. A million stars if this thing continues to be a soft, C-shaped angel from heaven for the next 3 months! I slept better than I've slept in months with this new pillow. I ditched ALL the other pillows in my arsenal. I can leave it in one place and turn from one side to the other, or rock back and forth to different positions on the same hip without squishing my tummy and the future world leader it contains, or ending up in the dreaded "on your back" position that "they" now reassure you kills your current AND future offspring instantly. I would however like to critique the advertising...specifically the ridiculous images on the packaging (shown above for your convenience). The package also includes a similar one of a woman nearly the same, but in silky, 1960's style, I Love Lucy pajamas. I'm a little shocked their hair isn't up in rollers tucked neatly in an Aunt Jemima scarf. I will say, she's showing how it's used exactly right (except you're not otherwise suspended in thin air). However, and we'll start at the top, what's with her hair? Oh sure, I get it. My hair always looks amazing too...well brushed in a smooth, down-do, with a slight curl under. I plan to have it that way while I lay gazing at my gender neutral baby as well. What perma-ponytail? What roots? What wild, "I-just-finally-made-it-to-sleep-and-now-I-need-to-pee" hair-do? And the many things wrong. First of all, not sure it's really worth having a full maternity sleep wardrobe. If you're anything like me, most of your sleep clothes are stretchy enough to fit fine through most of pregnancy. If not, or if you run about the same temperature as the sun, like I do, it is likely you throw on the loosest XL t-shirt from a nearby man's dresser and snag a pair of boxers while you're at it. If you do happen to have some Luara Ashley looking sleep duds for gestation, I would certainly hope they wouldn't be one piece. In fact, it would be a cruel thing for them to even offer those as an option for the more dim-witted. Other than sleep, the thing you spend the most time doing (only because you can eat so damn fast) is peeing. And the socks...they too trap body heat and are hence, one of the many bains of my existance. Finally, make-up, really? I've slathered up my face for a couple functions, but feel like I look like Bozo the clown. Not only do I not have it in me to attempt a made-up look on a daily basis, but I kind of feel like at the point where you are soccer ball round, it looks sort of silly. Not because you shoudn't take care of yourself, but because there is a natural look (i.e. no sucking it in) thing going on that should be kept consistant. Anyways, long, LONG story short - great product, ridiculous package pictures that stir up all sorts of critiques from THIS slightly angry mommy-to-be.

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