Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Nice Weather for a Duck

It has been storming incessantly (and for California, that means it rained for something like nine days straight, and most people wanted to build an arc out of shock). My dad said one day that it was "Nice Weather for a Duck." I promise, this will tie in soon.
I personally loved the weather...the cooler it is, the less I puff up and sweat - notice I said LESS since I could sweat in a snow storm at this point, I think. I DOUBLE love the rain, because - although most errands and other activities are fully possible in the rain, it still has become a great excuse (along with growing a HUMAN) to lay in bed and stay in jammies. (I know, still waiting for the point - don't rush me, it takes like 10 minutes just to tie my shoes!)
So Auntie G...she is, by the way, baby's Auntie G, not mine. She is on my "most loved shit list." She has seemingly sailed through 3 pregnancies. Not that they have been particularly easy...she's had odd test results, food aversions, sciatica, sickness, other demanding kids to work with, and even a blood clot. However, she made it look so damn easy!! She wasn't shy about sharing details...TRUST ME - she just takes things in stride. Maybe that's why we get along so well...we are OPPOSITES in that regard. So since before I got pregnant she's been mentioning waiting for me to start the "waddle." Yes, like a duck - starting to see how this comes together?
Apparently with the first of her 3 kids she started to waddle around 10 weeks (or that's how I heard the story). She can't wait for me to start waddling, so I've been very aware of it. Someone at Jazzercise said I was waddling...and no, Auntie G, I wasn't. I was walking uphill...or trying to pick a wedgie or something. In fact, I am rubbing my chubby inner thighs raw and sqeezing a diamond out of coal in my butt cheeks in order to NOT waddle:) So unless you catch me at the 1am (or 3am or 5am) pee in the middle of the night - I'm determined not to waddle!!:)
See? raining - ducks - waddle. It all worked out. Why? Cause I'm the mom and I said so!


  1. You are too sweet :) don't you know i was talking about that thing under your chin :) I still have that waddle!

  2. That thing under my chin is another CHIN. Fully functioning and food catching.
